Selling agents bring value to the Real Estate Transaction
The MLS has dropped commissions from their platform responding to the Missouri settlement. You need a place to see what you will earn for your work to bring a qualified buyer to the closing table. Listing agents need a platform to inform real estate agents how much they will earn at closing. Real Estate Commissions REAgentComm.Com is the place to exchange information.
Real Estate Agent’s Business
You are a successful independent business person. Operate as a real business, see how.
Real Estate Agents are Advisors
After the settlement, real estate agents are wondering what they are. Now more than ever, offering prospective clients a plan is critical.
Two Key Financial Aspects of Real Estate
Real estate agents must become proficient in lending practices and the insurance industry. This knowledge is crucial to helping clients.
Tools for Real Estate Professionals
Why do home buyers need the services of a buyers agent?
There are lots of opinions about buyers agents. Read a few more here. Feel free to use any you like in your presentation
Listing agents: communicate why buyers agents are critical.
Some agents specialize in listing properties only. They know how important sellers agents are to selling their properties. Better communication skills are key.
Calculate your Value as a Real Estate Agent
Click the button to see how much time and resources you invest into marketing a clients property. Use this information to create your own presentation
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You may have a question that has already been answered. please review our FAQ section for more information. Click the button below.
Is REAgentComm a substitute for the MLS?
Absolutely not. REAgentComm is a supplement to the MLS by allowing an exchange of information currently prohibited to be displayed on the MLS.
What if the commission is not a percent?
No problem. There is a text field that will accept a fixed dollar amount or literally any other arrangement other than a percent of the gross selling price.
Do you accept agents from specific states or areas?
All licensed real estate agents and licensed real estate brokers are invited to become members regardless of their area or MLS.
Questions from the public on Quora answered by the author. Questions relate to real estate and real estate agents.
The other day I received comments from an agent who showed one of my properties. One of the comments was that it was overpriced and yet they made no offer. I know that my client would have at least entertained a lower offer.
No house is actually overpriced. Let me explain. If your budget is $300,000 and you see a property you like priced at $400.000 and it’s been on the market for a while, make your offer at $300,000.
Your agent will tell you how much the property is “over the current market” so offer a price that is within the local market rates and meets your requirements. Remember, the seller will have difficulty selling a house that will be financed if the appraisal does not match the offering price.
On the other hand, don’t go around asking your agent to make silly offers when the listed price is actually within the market.
There is a very long list of services provided by real estate agents from feeding pets to mowing lawns and of course listing or bringing buyers to sign contracts.
There is an old saying “chief cook and bottle washer” and that applies to most real estate agents. They literally do almost anything to secure a sale and satisfy clients.
If you want to know more, check out this website created for real estate agents to inform their clients of what they will do for them: